Welcome to the Frontier

The premiere show featuring trailblazers who are building technologies today to solve tomorrow’s toughest challenges.
- Unveiling age-defying proteins with Mark Allen of ElevianAging is malleable and there is a particular, mysterious protein of interest that may enable new therapies for age-related diseases such as stroke, diabetes, and obesity.
- Creating new and better medicines, featuring Virginia Burger of New EquilibriumComputational biology is enhancing our understanding of intrinsically disordered proteins, leading to exciting new medical treatments.
- JMill & Forrest’s Epic Reveal: New Tough Tech Today Season, Monthly Groove & Upcoming Themes! 🚀🧬🔋Join a tag-up among JMill and Forrest as we reveal something really exciting for what’s ahead: the launch of the newest season of Tough Tech Today! Plus, we mention work and babies.
- Cybersecurity investing, featuring Matt Goldstein of M12Digitization of the physical world brings new synergies and expanding attack surfaces – so it is key to invest in those who defend us.
- Synthesizing high-tech food, featuring Kate Krueger of Helikon“Synthesizing” and “food” are uncommon word pairings, but the engineered dishes they serve may be an appetizing feast for the senses.
- Exposing cancer, featuring Cyriac Roeding of EarliWe can make cancer cells tell us exactly where they are.
- Glamping and Marsjmill goes glamping while Forrest lands on Mars and launches a company.
- AI-assisted Mine Prospecting, featuring Emily King of Prospector PortalWhen the frontiers of geology overlap with the frontlines of contested regions, international collaborations help protect minerals core to our civilization.
- Programming mRNA, featuring Jake Becraft of Strand TherapeuticsUnlocking new mRNA treatments will save lives, but it’s not as simple as that.
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